Who is Campus Faith Clubs?
Student-Led | On Campus | Every Student | Kingdom | Prayer and Word
Did you know that Jesus is still in public schools? In fact, He’s the most tenured teacher.
How is this possible? Through students who love and serve him.
Students have the power and right to bring their faith into one of the biggest mission fields: their schools.
Campus Faith Clubs is a student-led, teacher-advised, and parent-supported organization
that promotes living out the hope and love of Jesus in schools.​
Middle and high school Campus Faith Club students gather to worship, open God's Word,
pray, be discipled, and encourage each other. (Oh, and don't forget the donuts!)
Students grow in their faith in a safe and welcoming community while learning tools to share their faith with others.
Where Campus Faith Club ends, the school day begins
and the ministry takes place to share the love, hope and good news of Jesus.​
Our Mission
To empower and equip students to share the hope and love of Jesus in schools.

Our Vision
To establish a Campus Faith Club in every school where students gather for discipleship and encouragement through God's Word and the hope of Jesus Christ
Our Core Tenets
On Campus
Every Student
It's not parents, pastors, or youth leaders running the club; it's students boldly stepping into their faith, discipling peer-to-peer in a leadership capacity.
(I Timothy 4:12)
Students don't only go to church; they are the Church as ministry happens in the giant mission field of their schools.
(I Peter 3:15)
Athlete, band or drama kid, popular or unpopular, disconnected or connected, each student is valued, important, and loved. All of us have this in common: we want to belong. (Galatians 3:28)
Prayer & Word
All are welcome (believer, non-believer, seeker, all denominations) as students discover who they were made to be through the hope, love, and good news of Jesus Christ.
(John 17:20-23)
The power of prayer combined with the inspired Word of God is at the core of each club meeting. Those are essential to learning about and experiencing the hope, love, and good news of Jesus.
(Acts 2:42, Romans 10:17, II Timothy 3:16)
"Being a part of Campus Faith Clubs has been awesome! I never imagined I would be talking about Jesus and praying for my classmates and teachers in school! I love my CFC family." Kiya Schneider
Faith Statement
We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ in His virgin birth, in His sinless Life, in His miracles, in His death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
repentance of sin, and new life by the Holy Spirit is essential.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe in the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection of every individual,
either to eternal life with God in heaven or to eternal separation from Him in hell.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Additional statements on Prayer, Reconciliation, Relationships and Human Nature can be found here.