Officer Roles
Co-Leads (Spokesperson(s))
Responsible for overall ensuring operation and direction of Club. Responsible for working with Club Advisor and team to plan out details of meetings of upcoming meetings during the mandatory monthly planning meetings. Often times this role is CO-held by two students. Serves as the Point Person for Communication to Club Members, Steering Team, Advisors and School Administration. Expected to attend 90% of meetings and hold monthly officer meetings. Will use Remind account for communication.
Donut Coordinator
Responsible to ensure donuts are present for every meeting. Don’t forget napkins too! Works with team to coordinate donut volunteers. Take turns bringing donuts as officers is one strategy. Another is to work with local businesses to sponsor.
Bible Study Leader(s)
Partner with 2 or 3 others to hold team bible studies with officers and others interested. This serves to build up team spirit and fuel officers for successful weekly Clubs!
Logistical and Tech Support Officer
Responsible for ensuring computer screens and sound system is available for announcements and speakers as required.
Social Media Coordinator
This role is critical for promotion of the club. Officer is responsible for posting Instagram pics/stories from club and reposting content from CFC's main Instagram. Pictures are taken weekly and posted and shared with CFC and local insta account. Will promote and announce club meetings and events. Will work closely with a CFC rep to receive training and guidance.
Outreach Officer(s)
Work to increase participation and promotion of clubs. The focus here is on public announcements and advertising at school (flyers, banners, etc.) and to do outreach activities during the holidays, start of school, etc. to serve fellow students and teachers. (eg. Candy canes Christmas, Candies at V-Day, Easter Egg with encouraging messages, etc).
Service Project Coordinator
Responsible for overall organization and completion of service projects for the Club. The expectation is for 3 Club service projects per year (Fall/Winter/Spring).
Worship Coordinator
Coordinate Worship for Club. Reach out to outside resources or students to lead
Club in worship.