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Officer Commitment Form

The purpose of this officer form is to give each Campus Faith Club officer an opportunity to do the following:


 To consider God’s call as an Officer of a Campus Faith Club (CFC)

  • To understand what is expected of you as an Officer of CFC

  • To make a personal commitment to the Lord, the other leaders of CFC, and to the general membership. 

I,                                                                            have prayed about serving as a CFC leader.   The Lord has called me to serve in this capacity and He has given me a heart to serve faithfully. I have read and understood the CFC Faith Statement and agree that my leadership will reflect those values.


I agree to be faithful in fulfilling the following expectations as a leader of Club:

  1. To attend and actively participate in all CFC Officer Planning Meetings.

  2. To attend majority of CFC meetings throughout the year.

  3. To communicate with CFC officers/ advisors on events, clubs and activities.

  4. To contribute in a capacity fitting to my spiritual gifts.

  5. To honor guidance and direction from Advisors.

  6. To role model the character of a Christian and Christ follower while upholding the values of a Club that is Student-Led, On-Campus, for Every Student, that is Kingdom minded and based on God’s Word and Prayer.

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What role(s) have you been assigned by your Club?


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